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Dignitaries and guests visited Ōpōtiki today to mark the completion of construction work on the 350m-long harbour seawalls.
Keep up to date with Council activities, read project updates, learn about opportunities and events - it's all in our latest Panui Newsletter.
A large dredge barge working on the new harbour at Ōpōtiki broke free from its moorings during very heavy river flows Tuesday afternoon.
The Ōpōtiki harbour channel opened to recreational boats over the weekend, marking a significant milestone that has been decades in the making.
Read an update from Mayor Moore for the Opotiki News.
Class from Waiotahe Valley School visits council chambers to find out what a Mayor REALLY does.....
A word from Mayor David Moore.
A word from Mayor David Moore.
An event to recognise the dedication and commitment of these rangatahi to securing sustainable employment.
This week, Ōpōtiki held the first citizenship ceremony in 2025 and welcomed eleven new citizens to the district.
There were almost 4,500 people on site through the day at Saturday's Lantern Festival!
The Lantern Festival is always a big event, but online sales this year are even higher with thousands expected on Saturday.
An event to recognise the dedication and commitment of these rangatahi to securing sustainable employment.
Read an update from Mayor Moore for the Opotiki News.
This week, Ōpōtiki held the first citizenship ceremony in 2025 and welcomed eleven new citizens to the district.
Informal notes that outline the key outcomes from the council meeting (formal minutes will be endorsed next time).