Current Projects
Earthquake-prone buildings
Assessment and seismic strengthening work required by some district building owners.
Eastern Bay Spatial Plan - Our Places
Setting a future vision for the Whakatāne, Kawerau, and Ōpōtiki districts within the rohe of the iwi and hapū of the Eastern Bay of Plenty.
Planning for growth at Hukutaia
Housing our current and future residents.
Other Strategic Projects
Water supply, asset renewal, seal extensions, cycle trails extensions and more.
Rapid numbering and road re-naming project
To mitigate safety concerns Council will undertake renumbering and renaming of roads in the district.
Recently completed projects
Ōpōtiki Sewerage Project
Aims to address failures in the township's sewerage reticulation system
Ōpōtiki town centre revitalisation project
Help us create a vibrant area that reflects the past, present and future communities.