Harbour-Wharf Masterplan
ŌDC has created a masterplan for the harbour and wharf area.
ŌDC has created a masterplan for the harbour and wharf area.The Ōpōtiki Harbour Development is on track to open at the end of 2023. This is an exciting time, and we are well placed to plan out how the community wants the harbour and wharf space to look and function over the next five, 10, 20 years.
Update 13 September 2023:
Harbour-Wharf Masterplan – signed, sealed, now to deliver!
Following Community consultation, the revised Ōpōtiki Harbour-Wharf Masterplan has been adopted by Council.
Update to Ōpōtiki Wharf Masterplan and Implementation Plan PDF
Read our media release to find out how the plan provides a balance between both recreational and commercial users as well as planning ahead for the increase of recreational fishers Ōpōtiki District expects to see in the future, when the harbour officially opens early next year.
Update 29 August 2023:
Thanks to everyone who took the time to attend the consultation events in July and for providing feedback on the concepts for the Ōpōtiki wharf area.
Following this feedback, an updated concept for the Ōpōtiki wharf area was prepared and went to the Ordinary Council meeting on 12 September for endorsement.
Final thoughts were able to be sent through by email till Monday 4 September 2023.

ŌDC has created a masterplan to maximise the benefits of the harbour development project, for both recreational and commercial users of the new harbour. Council endorsed the Opotiki Harbour-Wharf Masterplan at the 27 September 2022 Council meeting.
You can read the Harbour-Wharf Masterplan here and read the report for Council here.
Some key features of the masterplan are:
- it identifies the users of the harbour and wharf areas, and enables Council to strategically plan its assets and services, to maximise the many different benefits the harbour development project will bring to the district
- it identifies the best economic opportunities that Council and the public can pursue when the harbour opens (e.g., the wharf has been identified as a location where charter boats and tourism business could operate from because it’s well connected to the town centre)
- it plans ahead for the increase of recreational fishers Ōpōtiki district expects to receive short after the harbour opens, by planning our purpose-built facilities
- it provides recreational value for users of the wharf and build on the other recreational facilities in the town centre by looking to connect these two areas.
Thank you to the members of the community that got in touch with Council and gave their feedback on the initial consultation sketches. Particular thanks to Ōpōtiki Primary School for being a part of the engagement day down at the wharf and presenting your wharf survey results to Council.
Since the marina development is facing delays and the new harbour entrance is on-track to have a channel between the two seawalls by the end of August this year (2023), council asked staff to look into interim options that will allow mussel boats to use the town wharf for loading, unloading and wharfage, maintenance and other industrial use until the commercial marina is available.
Commercial use of the wharf (if it can be finalised) will necessarily change the public spaces and amenity in the area and during July and August 2023 council called for further feedback from the community to find out what they thought was the best way to do that.
the feedback period for that further engagement has now closed but you can still view details and updated concept options on our Ōpōtiki harbour wharf masterplan – further engagement page.
We'll make sure to keep you updated on the outcomes from this further engagement.
Initial consultation sketches
Snell Road – Stage 1, 2 and 3
The layout for the site has been designed to allow the site to be delivered in stages. Potential stages are:

- the ramp delivered as part of the harbour project is adapted for use by the public
- car parking facilities are provided
- this can include boat washdown

- toilet facilities are provided
- the ramp is extended and adapted to provide four lanes
- area provided for boats to be tied up whilst boat owners park or collect their car and trailer
- larger area of car parking provided
- opportunity to provide additional building/s for complementary commercial uses

- full provision of facilities

Key features of the Snell Road site are:
- new public boat ramp with direct access to Pākihikura
- provides a high-quality boat launching and retrieving facility as the new Harbour opens, but located away from town to remove traffic congestion
- four-lane boat ramp with floating pontoons and rock groynes, toilets, boat wash down area and boat queuing, fenced compound with CCTV for security, amenity planting
- walking and cycling linkage along Snell Road
- the ability to scale the site up if/when demand increases over time.
Revitalised wharf
Many thanks to Ōpōtiki Primary School for coming along to the engagement day at the wharf, and for presenting their survey to Council.

- opportunities for mana whenua to design and express local matauranga through entry features
- improved wharf for charter boats to pick up and drop off visitors close to town
- public toilets provided as part of the redeveloped Coastguard building
- family BBQ and picnic areas for residents and users
- relocatable café/commercial building to provide services for the wharf users
- children’s playing area expanded, and dedicated fishing areas installed
- improved links of the Motu Trails through the wharf area.
You can read the Ōpōtiki Harbour-Wharf Masterplan and Implementation Plan on the Council website, and feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions.
We sincerely thank everyone who got in touch to let us know their thoughts and look forward to developing these area alongside the community.