Key outcomes from Ordinary Council meeting 18 March 2025
NewsMedia ReleasesShort informal notes on the discussion and outcomes from the council meeting on Tuesday.
Celebrating local youth graduates
NewsMedia ReleasesAn event to recognise the dedication and commitment of these rangatahi to securing sustainable employment.
Mayoral column Feb 2025
Mayoral ColumnsNewsRead an update from Mayor Moore for the Opotiki News.
Ōpōtiki welcomes newest citizens
NewsMedia ReleasesThis week, Ōpōtiki held the first citizenship ceremony in 2025 and welcomed eleven new citizens to the district.
Key outcomes from Ordinary Council meeting 4 February 2025
NewsInformal notes that outline the key outcomes from the council meeting (formal minutes will be endorsed next time).
Ōpōtiki Lantern festival – biggest crowds ever
NewsMedia ReleasesThere were almost 4,500 people on site through the day at Saturday's Lantern Festival!
Ōpōtiki expects big crowds for this weekend’s Lantern Festival
NewsMedia ReleasesThe Lantern Festival is always a big event, but online sales this year are even higher with thousands expected on Saturday.
Harbour walls popular spot as work on harbour projects continues
NewsMedia ReleasesAn update across a wide range of projects following this week's OMAG meeting from Chair, Barry Howe.
Keep your eye out for new tsunami signs in the Ōpōtiki District
NewsMedia ReleasesRevised tsunami evacuation maps for the Ōpōtiki District are being erected in key locations along the coastline this summer.
Pedestrian access to Ōpōtiki’s western seawall from Waiotahe Beach
NewsMedia ReleasesA new access way is being created from the Drifts and Dunes communities down to the beach, allowing pedestrian access out to the western seawall.
Fun-tastic funtimes – summer activities in Ōpōtiki
NewsMedia ReleasesCheck out the incredible lineup of events this summer in Ōpōtiki and up the Coast.
Te Ara Tipuna Trail - notified resource consent
NewsAn application for multiple resource consents has been lodged for the design and construction of Stage 1 of the Te Ara Tipuna Trail - a public walking trail from Gisborne around the coast to Ōpōtiki.
Holiday Services - open and closed dates for council services
NewsDuring the Christmas and New Year public holidays – there are a few temporary changes to our operating hours at some facilities.
Say goodbye to boggy parking
NewsRecreational boat users and general users of the Ōpōtiki Wharf can expect more trailer carparking spaces this summer season as work begins on a carparking overflow area.
If I was mayor for just one day…..
Mayoral ColumnsNewsMedia ReleasesClass from Waiotahe Valley School visits council chambers to find out what a Mayor REALLY does.....
Need a liquor licence this summer? Time is running out
NewsMedia ReleasesIf you are organising an event that needs a special licence to sell or supply alcohol this summer, you need to submit applications this week.
Key outcomes from Ordinary Council meeting 30 October 2024
NewsA short summary of the key outcomes from the ordinary council meeting.
Council adopts plan for next ten years
NewsMedia ReleasesCouncil has adopted the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan and a host of associated fees and charges, policies and documents to set the path forward for the coming ten years.
Ōpōtiki RRC weighbridge up and running next week
NewsMedia ReleasesThe new weighbridge at the Ōpōtiki RRC will be operational from Monday.
Mayoral Column October 2024
Mayoral ColumnsNewsA word from Mayor David Moore.