New committee structure for Ōpōtiki District Council
At the first meeting of the new triennium, Ōpōtiki Mayor, David Moore, put forward a new structure for his council, creating new committees, appointing elected members to those committees and recommending appointments to a range of other joint and external committees and groups.
The paper was accepted unanimously.
Mayor Moore explained that the new structure was designed to encourage more in-depth discussion and understanding in a few key areas, and allow for easier engagement directly with councillors.
“What I’d like to see happen with this new structure, is councillors developing an in-depth knowledge in a particular area. This will mean, as a whole, we are across a lot more information and taking deeper dives into the more complicated subject areas. We can bring that expertise back to the full council for transparent decision making. It also makes it easier for ratepayers and other organisations to reach out to council and have their views heard.
“We have a great range of views and community-voices around the new council table, and I want to make the most of that.
“For some new councillors, it as also an interesting overview of the range and number of different groups and committees that councillors sit on that are outside our own council. Whether that is focussed on safer road transport or liquor licensing or arts funding, there is a lot of work and a lot of reading in all these various external committees,” Mr Moore said.
The new structure has two committees that continue from the past triennium:
- Risk and Assurance Committee (with an independent chair)
- Regulatory Appeals Committee (Councillor Barry Howe as the Chair).
The Mayor also established three new committees with no delegation – that is, they make recommendations but all decisions must be made by the full council.
- Strategy, Planning and Regulatory Committee (Chaired by Councillor Nelson)
- Performance and Delivery Committee (Chaired by Councillor Brooks)
- Chief Executives Performance Committee (Chaired by Deputy Mayor Shona Browne)
“We have a lot of hard work and decisions ahead in the coming three years and I think this new structure will help us face those well-informed and stronger, with a range of leadership opportunities across the whole council.
“At the meeting we also talked about the importance of reviewing the arrangements in 12 months to make sure they are working well for everyone. And of course, I would encourage all elected members to attend as many meetings and briefings as possible, whether they are named on committees or not. It will be a very hands-on year as we make progress on a wide range of commitments and responsibilities,” Mayor Moore said.