Our Beaches

Safe enjoyment of our beaches while also protecting our taiao (natural environment).
Rules for vehicles on all beaches (except prohibited areas)
- Speed limit is 15kph
- No dangerous driving or any activity that causes a nuisance
- Only use designated entry and exit points (these are marked)
- Only drive on the hard sand on the lower part of the beach below the high tide line
- No driving on dune areas
- No driving in areas set aside for coastal vegetation, rehabilitation or conservation
- Vehicles must ALWAYS give way to people, dogs, and horses
- Aircraft can only land or take off from beaches in an emergency or with permission from council
- National drone rules apply on all beaches in the district. Drones mustn’t cause a nuisance to other beach users or wildlife.
Vehicle prohibited areas
The bylaws list several areas of the Ōpōtiki coastline where vehicles are prohibited at all times. In these areas, vehicles are only permitted for surf lifesaving, law enforcement, coastal conservation management or emergency situations.
- Ōhiwa Harbour (Important note: access restrictions on the western side of Ōhiwa may also apply – please see Whakatāne District Council website for more information. Vehicles are prohibited at all times on the Ōhope spit).
- Ōhiwa Spit
- Waiotahe Estuary
- Waiotahe Beach (between the pou whenua and Appleton Road)
- Kelly’s Beach Tirohanga (between the Waiorua culvert in the west and the access point in the east)
Maps of prohibited areas (from page 34 ODC Consolidated Bylaw)
Animals on beaches
Horses must use designated access points and are not permitted on sand dunes, in any nesting or designated conservation areas, coastal vegetation or rehabilitation areas.
Horses should be considerate of other beach users at all times, not cantering, galloping or swimming close to others.
Dogs should be under control at all times, ensuring they are not causing a nuisance to other beach users, wildlife, and natural habitats. You MUST pick up your dog poo and remove it for disposal.
Dogs should not enter any nesting or designated conservation areas, coastal vegetation or rehabilitation areas. Dogs are specifically excluded from several areas known to be dotterel breading areas. These are marked with signage and more detail is available about our bylaws on the council website.
Get in touch and report issues or concerns
Dangerous or reckless driving should be immediately reported to the New Zealand Police on 111. Non urgent police complaints and illegal behaviour can be reported to the Police through 105.
Reports or breaches of the bylaws will be investigated by council. You can call, email, or send the information through our website. Please include details such as the location, date, and time. You can also include a description or photos of the driver or rider and their vehicle. All information provided will be kept confidential.
The Antenno app is a great way of sharing this information directly with council. Scan this QR code to download the app from your usual app store.