All online services

Register a new dog, pay a dog registration fee or fine, contact us about a dog or other animal issue..
Contact us about a dog or other animal issue
Pay your dog registration renewal
Make a dog infringement waiver request
Change your dog's address or owner details
Report a dog as lost, stolen or deceased
Apply for a licence to keep more than two dogs
Make a working dog declaration
Make a hunting dog declaration
Apply for a refund of dog registration fee
Link to our Animal Control page for further information and forms on Dogs and Animal Control

Building Consents
The following are all available in our online services portal. You'll need to be logged in to access them. Go to the portal here and select log in to sign in with an existing account, or sign up to create a new one.
Apply for a Building Consent or PIM
Apply for an Amendment to Building Consent
Apply for a Minor Variation to Building Consent
Apply for an Extension of Time
Apply for a Certificate of Acceptance (COA)
Apply for a Certificate of Public Use (CPU)
Apply for Code of Compliance (CCC)
Discretionary Exemption from Building Consent
Pay your Sundry Invoice online
Amendment to Compliance Schedule Application
Amendment to Building Consent - Durability Application
Building Customer Satisfaction Survey
Request info from, or appointment with, our Planning, Building or Compliance teams

Apply for interments, erection of memorial headstones and monuments, or reserve a plot.
Apply for interments (burial or scattering of ashes)

Food, Health, Trade
Licences, permits and rules for selling food, street stall licences, health and beauty and other businesses, filming in public and flying drones.
Apply to film on public open space
Apply to fly a drone at or within 4 kms of Ōpōtiki Aerodrome

Grants, Funding
Apply for community grants.
Coast Initiative Fund Project Completion Report
Coast Initiatives Funding Application
Creative Communities Scheme Funding Application
Creative Communities Scheme Project Completion Report
Link to our Community Grants page for information on these and other grants.

or if you need help locating council-owned water, wastewater and stormwater services you can Request a services plan

Parking, Roading
Report roading issues, pay a parking fine or apply for a waiver.
Apply for parking infringement waiver

Problems, Requests, Contact us
Contact us to report a problem, ask a question, notify changes, make an appointment, or have your say.
Change your contact details or postal address
Contact us, request service, report a problem - (If you require urgent service or after hours service please call (07) 3153030. Requests received through this online form will be read and actioned during normal working days/hours).
Make a request for unbudgeted works
Request information from, or appointment with, our Planning, Building or Compliance teams
Submit an official information request
View our official information request page to learn more about making a request

Property, Rates, Lims
Order a LIM, property file or other property information. Pay your property and/or water rates, apply for a remission, get rates bills by email, set up direct debits.
Apply for a rates remission or postponement
Apply for a water consumption remission
Make a non-rateable status request for Māori freehold land
View our Rating of Māori freehold land page for information on non-rateable status requests
Make a property file assessment request
Apply to pay rates by direct debit