Limit wastewater usage
Wastewater rising main
Our towns wastewater rising main is under threat from gradual river erosion, so we’re diverting it away from the rivers edge.
A lot of work has already been done in preparation for Friday's main event, when our team will cut the old pipe and connect the new. Trenches and pipes have been laid and pressure tested and pumps are in place.
We've also been delayed a week due to wet weather, and looking at the weather apps, we've now got a clear window.
The Plan:
On Friday 26 July, we will be emptying the Imhoff tank, and to help us in this task we’re asking our community for a helping hand.
Please limit your wastewater usage on Friday morning (9am - 1pm) by:
- Limiting your showers.
- Limiting clothes washing.
- Limiting toilet flushing (if it's yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down).
This helps us by reducing the volume of wastewater in the Imhoff tank which we have to pump out before we can cut in. All going well our team should be done by 3pm.
As always we appreciate your patience and understanding while we carry out this important mahi.