Church Street Road Resurfacing and Road Closures

Church St - Richard St
In 2024 Ōpōtiki District Council began a resurfacing project which extended across Elliott, King, Church and Richard streets. Various stretches of road were resurfaced in 2024 along with the Church Street paving area, and to minimise disruption, some areas of resurfacing were deferred to 2025. These areas are being addressed now.
Council has scheduled to resurface Elliot St, Church Street/King Street and Church Street/Richard Street intersection to extend the life of the road, provide a smoother road surface and to maintain safety profile of both street intersections
The resurfacing of Elliot St, the Church Street/King Street and Church Street/Richard Street intersections will be completed using asphaltic concrete, more commonly known as hot mix. Council has engaged Fulton Hogan to complete the resurfacing works of the Church Street/King Street and Church Street/Richard Street intersection.
Resurfacing of Elliot Street
Subject to weather conditions, the resurfacing of Elliot St either side of the Cenotaph highlighted in blue below, is programmed to start from Tuesday 11th February from 7pm finishing on Wednesday 12th February 6am.
Resurfacing of Church Street / King Street Intersection
Subject to weather conditions, the first intersection of Church Street/King Street, is programmed to start work from Wednesday 12th February from 7pm finishing on Thursday 13th February 6am.
Resurfacing of Church Street / Richard Street Intersection
Subject to weather conditions, the second intersection of Church Street/Richard Street highlighted in blue below, is programmed to start work from Thursday 13 February from 7pm finishing on Friday 14 February 6am.
Overnight road closure
To minimise disruption the works will be carried out at night and include milling / removal of existing road surface, road repairs, asphalt surfacing and line marking.
The contractor Fulton Hogan will take every effort to minimise noise and dust during work hours. Please note that the contractor will be milling the existing road surface and compacting and rolling the new road surface close to the existing kerb & channel and close to your business premises. During this construction process, vibration may cause items to fall from shelves. We recommend you secure valuable items on shelves during this construction period.
Both sides of the footpath will be open for public access and pedestrian controls will be in place for public safety.
It would be appreciated if during works occupants of the business premises and their customers to keep at a safe distance from the work site. Please note that it is a public work site and there should be no entry into the coned off work site during the work.
If you have any Questions or Concerns, please contact the Project Manager, Ian Simonsen in the first instance, on 021 458 110 or email him on
Or the undersigned Nathan Hughes on 07 315 3030 or email him on
Elliott Street area
Church St - King St
Church St - Richard St