Council resolves to rename bridges in Rāhui Valley Toatoa
After a request from local hapu, Council has resolved to rename the following bridges subject to feedback from the community.
The bridges are all located in the Rāhui valley along Toatoa Road, Ōpōtiki and renaming them would assign relevance to the area and hapu.
Council's resolution includes the following changes:
Peacocks Bridge 54 - Recommended name change to Whataākao Bridge. Refers to the kumara plantation of the rangatira Upokohapa, whata means to spread (this was to dry the kumara out), kao is a type of kumara.
Bridge 55 - Recommended name change to Te Akona Bridge. Refers to a stream at Rāhui.
Banana Bridge 56 - Recommended name change to Wairoa Bridge. Refers to a stream that runs alongside Motu Road, Toatoa.
Bridge 57 - Recommended name change to Tauwhare Bridge. Refers to a stream.
UPDATE 13 MAY 2019
The feedback period closed 12 May at 4pm. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. Council will now consider the feedback before implementing the name changes.
Thank you to Cameron MacKenzie, New Zealand Cycle Journal for use of the story photo of cyclists on the Banana Bridge.