Last chance to feed thoughts into town centre changes
Plenty of feedback has been received and more is welcome before consultation closes on Ōpōtiki's town centre revitalisation project at the end of the month.
The Ōpōtiki District Council project aims to develop a town centre that is a vibrant area reflecting past, present and future communities. The project is developing a structure plan and design guidelines to help shape how the community wants the centre to look and feel.
"It's more than just cosmetic changes. We want to plan for a town centre that people want to spend time in, a centre in which the local community has a sense of pride and ownership.
"So we have been out and about getting as much feedback from the community as possible. People have provided feedback on our website, through paper forms and through Facebook as well. We have walked the streets and spoken to businesses and building owners. We have heard feedback at business breakfasts, had dozens of one-on-one chats, small informal public meetings at the library, have fronted specific community groups to talk them through the project and met with young people and invited schools to get involved.
"But before we collate all that feedback into our design guidelines and structure plan, there is one last chance for people to have their say. So please make sure you share your vision for Ōpōtiki's town centre with us before the end of the month.
"From there, we will pull together the draft structure plan and design guidelines in early 2020 and at the start of next year there will be a chance for final thoughts and tweaks before it is finalised," Gerard McCormack, Council's Planning and Regulatory Group Manager said.
Feedback can be shared through Council's website, Facebook page, Antenno App, by filling out a feedback form available in the library or Council reception, or call and have a chat with Council's Policy Planner, Sue Robb to arrange a time.