Lock-down an opportunity for creative thinking
Applications have opened for funding for Ōpōtiki's creative projects. Now is a great time to plan ahead and make an application for an arts project that can take place or be delivered in Ōpōtiki in the next 12 months.
Do you have a creative project that could use some assistance? Individuals and groups who have eligible arts projects are being encouraged to apply for a funding grant.
The Creative New Zealand Creative Communities Scheme - Ōpōtiki District is aimed at increasing participation in the arts at a local level and expanding the range and diversity of arts available within the district.
Ōpōtiki District Council's Executive Support Officer, Annette Papuni-McLellan, helps administer the fund. She explained that Council wanted to go forward with this round of funding so that available grants were not lost to the community.
"We normally receive more applications than we have funds to distribute. There are so many worthwhile arts projects that receive funding through the Creative Communities Scheme and we don't want the Level 4 lock-down to change that. We're pushing ahead with this round of funding but changing the way we receive applications and hold our committee meeting."
"This fund exists because there is very clear research that getting involved in arts activities can have an inspiring effect on both our individual lives and on our community as a whole, and that is something our community could really do with right now. It will also be more important than ever once we come out of lock-down to help bring our communities back together. We're confident there are individuals and groups who can use the time in their bubbles to come up with eligible projects - they may even get creative on ways to deliver those projects." Mrs Papuni-McLellan said.
Projects such as art, dance, drama, literature, music, seminars, workshops and community art and cultural events may be eligible.
Funding applications are considered by an assessment committee made up of dedicated representatives from the Ōpōtiki district.
Applications close on Friday 8 May 2020 for projects starting after Wednesday 20 May 2020.
Application forms, criteria and guides are available on the Creative Communities Scheme page on this website.