Re-naming of the Ford Street Reserve
Earlier in May, Ōpōtiki District Council asked the community for suggestions and ideas for the re-naming of the Ford Street Reserve in Ōpōtiki town.
The area was historically the Rose Gardens with many unique and historic rose specimens on display. Those roses have been moved to a new home near the bridge where they are flourishing.
The Ford Street reserve has undergone a transformation with a new playground and facilities set to open in the coming weeks.
So council asked the community for thoughts and feedback on a new name for the reserve. Council was seeking a name that reflected, for example, past uses of the site, its current and future use as a playground or our unique Maori and Pākehā history and culture.
Of the nineteen names put forward, three were shortlisted for Council consideration: Rawinia Rangi Rose Reserve, Puāwai Park and Te Rohi Reserve.
The decision will be made by councillors at the 1 June meeting, but will be revealed to the public in an opening ceremony and blessing when the reserve is opened next month.
The report for Council with the background on the names and reasons for their inclusion will be available on the Council website several days before the meeting date.