Have your say on Freedom Camping in the Ōpōtiki District
Ōpōtiki District Council has drafted a Freedom Camping Bylaw and is asking the public to share their views on the proposed rules.
The draft Freedom Camping Bylaw aims to balance environmental impact, public safety, and community wellbeing; allowing for freedom camping in selected areas while protecting the district’s natural spaces and places.
Council’s Group Manager Planning and Regulatory, Gerard McCormack, said that he expected quite a number of people and groups would be keen to share their feedback and he encouraged them to do so.
He outlined the rules in the draft bylaw.
“The draft bylaw would mean that freedom camping is only allowed in four specific areas of our rohe: Te Ahiaua Reserve (Pipi Beds), Hikuwai Reserve, Hoani Waititi Reserve (Omaio), Te Kaha Reserve (Maraetai Bay).
“But importantly, the draft bylaw also clearly marks the parts of these four areas where freedom camping is expressly prohibited to prevent ‘overflow’ camping in these areas.
“There are also some general rules that apply such as a maximum of three nights within a 4-week period, no using public facilities for washing dishes or clothes, no fires and that sort of thing,” Mr McCormack said.
A summary of the bylaw is available online and the whole document (just a few pages plus maps) is also available for those who want to provide more detailed feedback.
Feedback will be open until mid June and council expects to adopt the final bylaw, following feedback, hearings (if required) and any changes before the end of August.
More details at www.connect.odc.govt.nz