Te Ara Tipuna Trail - notified resource consent
Te Ara Tipuna Charitable Trust has lodged an application for multiple resource consents to enable the design and construction of Stage 1 of the Te Ara Tipuna Trail. The Stage 1 trail is a public walking trail only and runs for approximately 500km from Gisborne around the coast to Ōpōtiki.
The Trail is proposed to be located across private and multiple owner land blocks, along road corridors, reserves and the coastal margin.
The application is supported by an interactive GIS map to show the location of the proposed trail and a series of reports that describe the design and nature of the Trail and the actual and potential effects on the environment.
To use the Interactive Map for the proposed trail alignment and property information
The application has been lodged with Gisborne District Council, Ōpōtiki District Council and the Bay of Plenty Regional Council and will be processed through a joint submission and hearing process. A series of district and regional consents are required for the construction and use of the trail.
The application includes an assessment of environment effects and a series of technical reports that discuss and assess the proposed alignment and construction of the trail.
How to make a submission
Gisborne District Council is managing the resource consent submissions on behalf of the three councils.
Any person may make a written submission on the application. Submissions must be received no later than 5pm Friday 7 February 2025.
An online submission form (Form 13) is available on Gisborne District Council's website or a hardcopy form is available for pick up from Gisborne District Council, Ōpōtiki District Council, and Bay of Plenty Regional Council offices.
Submissions may be emailed to NotifiedRC@gdc.govt.nz
Or sent by post to Te Ara Tipuna Submissions, C/- Gisborne District Council, PO Box 747, Gisborne 4040 or hand delivered to Gisborne District Council, Ōpōtiki District Council or the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s customer service centres.
You're not required to submit your submission to all 3 councils. One submission to any council via any method of delivery will be accepted.
You must also serve a copy of your submission on the applicant. Legislative requirements require us to serve the applicant with a copy of your submission, this will be done by Gisborne District Council.
If you wish to serve a copy of your submission directly on the applicant, the address for service is:
Te Ara Tipuna Trail
C/- The Planning Collective
PO Box 591,
Warkworth 0941
Or email: diana@thepc.co.nz