Our Key Partners
Opotiki District Council is working closely with a number of partners to progress the Opotiki Harbour Development Project, including:
- the New Zealand Government, including MBIE, MPI, NZTE, NZTA, DPMC, DIA, and DOC
- Whakatohea Maori Trust Board
- Bay of Plenty Regional Council
- Whakatohea Mussels (Opotiki) Limited
- Eastern Sea Farms Limited
- Whakatohea Aquaculture (Opotiki) Limited
- Toi EDA
- Horizon Energy Distribution Limited
- Bay of Connections
- BayTrust
- Inspiring Communities
- Todd Foundation
- Collaboration Outcomes Bay of Plenty
- Local people, businesses and organisations.
How our partners have supported this project
The feasibility study that led to this project was jointly funded by the New Zealand Ministries of Economic Development and Social Development, BayTrust, and Opotiki District Council.
Detailed engineering and technical studies to identify the preferred training structure option for the harbour mouth and resource consents were completed with funding and support from Horizon Energy, BayTrust, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, and Opotiki District Council.
Detailed planning for wider community development has been supported by Whakatohea Māori Trust Board, BayTrust, Toi EDA, Todd Foundation, Inspiring Communities, and Bay of Connections.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council has pledged $20 million.
Opotiki District Council worked with partners including Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Whakatohea Maori Trust Board, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, and the Ministry for Primary Industries to finalise a business case for government funding for the harbour development. In May 2018, the government said it would not be funding the harbour project with a $145 million price tag. In December 2018, the government announced funding to progress an affordable plan for the harbour. Opotiki District Council is in the final stages of reshaping the business case for government funding.