About sandbags
Sandbags are useful for addressing localised flooding, for example to stop water flowing under a garage door or diverting water downhill. But they don't protect against water coming from under a house and through floorboards.
As a general rule, residents are responsible for providing their own sandbags in preparation for a storm event.
If a property is regularly subjected to flooding then it is the property owner's responsibility to be proactive and take such precautions to protect themselves and their property.
During storm events and flooding, maintenance crews employed by Council are focussed on maintaining the function and safety of key infrastructure such as roads, stormwater, water and sewerage.
Available resources are typically limited during these times, so crews will be prioritised to where they can provide the greatest effect.
There will be exceptions, where we know a situation exists. In such instances we monitor those trouble spots as a protection measure and are ready to act as required.
Please remember - if you are in danger or your property is under immediate threat during a storm event please contact emergency services on 111.
Alternative solution
Sheets of PVC are a practical way to waterproof around doors provided they are fixed in place adequately.
Purchasing sandbags
In Opotiki you can purchase sandbags from Waiotahi Contractors, 80 Wellington Street, Opotiki PH 07 3156580.
Tips for using sandbags
- Sandbags are not waterproof and are best used for directing water flow rather than keeping property dry.
- They are not stored pre-filled as they will begin to rot when put into storage filled with damp sand. Keep sandbags dry and separate from sand (or soil) until needed.
- They require time and effort to fill and place, therefore they generally need to be filled and placed in advance of an event rather than in the middle of an event.
- Filled sandbags are very heavy. Generally only half-fill as this allows for easier and better placement.
- Stack them like bricks, overlapping.